6 Chapter Labor
1 Chapter Basic Knowledge
2 Chapter Incorporation
2.1 Characteristics of business base
2.3 Company liquidation and withdrawal
3 Chapter M&A
4 Chapter Accounting
4.2 Accounting standards [MAS]
5 Chapter Tax Laws
5.2 Tax related to personal income
6 Chapter Labor
Working Environment
Population of Myanmar is about 55 million, and population pyramid with many young people. We can expect an increase in the working population in the future.
Most of working population engaged in agriculture and the population which engaged in industry is increasing. It is characterized by a small percentage of managers and professionals, because many workers are working in Thailand or Singapore. Especially workers in Singapore are intellectuals such as engineer, nurse, professor, or UN staff. It trends to be hard to get high quality human resources and skilled technician in Myanmar.Unemployment rate in Myanmar is 5.7% in 2010 from CIA data.Monthly wage by occupation in MyanmarOccupationWageUS dollarKyatManufacturingIndustryWorker6850,437Engineer176130,544Middle management577427,977Non-ManufacturingIndustryGeneral staff173128,319Manager562416,851Store staff [apparel industry]62~8750,000~70,000Store staff [restaurant business]8064,400Job hopping is performed actively and wages are on an upward trend.There is no regulation to oblige the number of local employees depends on number of foreign employees. However, if you employ 5 or more local employees, you should notice the employment conditions to regional labor office.There is the Trade Union Act, however trade union movement or strike has been prohibited from 1991. In October 2011, revision of the Trade Union Act was promulgated to protect the rights of workers and to maintain good industrial relations. According to the new trade union act, by participating more than 30people or 10% of employees you can organize labor union. Strike is also recognized, notification is required 14days before strike for public sector and 3days before strike for private enterprises.It is general to pay bonus equivalent to one month to several months. Payment is due end of March or December. There is no regulation in law for commuting allowance, meal allowance and rent allowance. When you set those allowance, you need to specify on the labor regulation or employment agreement.There is a case to passing one-third of salary for wedding celebration of family or friends. Lending and borrowing of money is also done frequently. Corporation may be asked for advance payment of salary. To prevent trouble, you need to specify about prohibition or setting the upper limit of the advance payment on the labor regulation or employment agreement.
Labor Law
There are some laws which define labor standard such as Factories Act 1951, Oilfields (Labor and Welfare) Act 1951, and Shops and Establishments Act 1951. Corporation must follow one of the law and define the labor standard.Factories Act,1951Factories Act defines labor’s safety, insurance, welfare and working time. All facilities that manages a processing industry and hiring ten or more employees are scope of application. Those regulations are included into the Act, such as cleanliness, illumination, aeration, drinking water, sanitation facility and so on. And also there are regulations to secure break spaces, relief facilities, or daycare centers. Protection provision for women, children, and young labor is also regulated in the Factories Act. Under 13years old child is prohibited to work in factory.Labor standard on Factories Act,1951Labor standardWorking time8 hours per day44 hours per weekBreak time30 minutes for every 5 hours of continuous work [amount of working time and break time must not be over 10 hours a day]Working days6 days per weekWeekly holidaySundayOilfields Act, 1951This Act is applied only oilfields facilities. It is regulated the safety, health, welfare, working time, and holiday for labors who work at oilfield. The contents are almost same as Factories Act, 1951.Shops and Establishment Act, 1951This act is defined for optimization of working time and holiday for labor who working at shops. Foreign corporation’s local corporation or branch office are applied this Act.Labor standard on Shops and Establishment Act, 1951Labor standardWorking time8 hours per day48 hours per dayBreak time30 minutes for every 5 hours of continuous work [amount of working time and break time must not be over 11 hours a day]Working days6 days per weekWeekly holidayAny day of the weekClosing time9PM to 5AMRegulation for overtime work and holiday workLabor standardOvertime work hoursMaximum 16 hours per weekAllowance is twice the normal wagePreapproved is needed from Factories and General Labor Laws Inspection Department.Holiday workAllowance is twice the normal wageTemporary holiday within 2 monthsLate time overtime workon usual working daysNo regulationOvertime work on holidayNo regulationWhen the office which hire five or more workers adopts new employees, the office should notify employment conditions and employment plan to Township labor office.About holiday, it is regulated on Leave and Holidays Act, 1951. Public holidays deal with earned leave.Regulation for leaves and holidaysLabor standardEarned leave10 days earned leave per year is awarded to workers who worked for more than 12 months and have a workday of 24 days or more per month. Continuous acquisition is until 10 days. Wage is the average of annual amount.Medical leaveUp to 30 days medical leave per year is given to workers who worked for more than 6 months. It is better to require a submission of medical certificate.Casual leaveYou can get 6 days casual leave per year. Continuous acquisition is until 3 days and it’s not possible to carry forward to the following year.Public holidaysEarned leave is awarded to all labor.Minimum wage is regulated on Minimum Wage Act. Based on this Act, Minimum Wage Councils and Enquiry Commissions are established.Payment of wage is regulated on Payment of Wages Act, 1936. Following 4 sentence are regulate.・Fix the payment date and it has to be same date for each month・Wage has to be paid by cash in principle・Do not disinfect from wages except what is stipulated・Wage has to be paid within 1 monthIn case of small amount, it is general that payment is done with Kyat.Ministry of labor describes regulations about employment contract on the Law prescribing the Fundamental Right and Duties of People’s Workers. Corporations makes employment agreement based on standard employment agreement defined by ministry of labor. Standard employment agreement is regulated to describe those contents below.・Working time・Holiday・Leave・Overtime work・Payment of wage・Compensation for death or injury on industrial accident・Giving rights on Social Insurance BenefitWhen your employees violate labor regulation or employment agreement and they do not improve it by warning three times, you can dismiss without payment of retirement benefit.Dismissal is done at the circumstances of employers, employers should notice to employees 1 month before the dismissal.Length of service and Payment compensationLength of servicePayment compensation3 months or more and less than 1 yearMonthly salary and worth of compensationTotal of 2 months’ salary1 year or more and less than 3 yearsMonthly salary and 2 months’ worth of compensationTotal of 3 months’ salary3 years or moreMonthly salary and 4 months’ worth of compensationTotal of 5 months’ salaryCompensation is calculated based on work style. In the case of monthly salary system, the compensation is salary of last month during employment period. In the case of daily salary system, the compensation is last day’s salary for 26 days. In the case of payment made, the compensation is average salary of last 30 working days for 30 days.
Social security system
There are two acts, Social Security Act, 1954 and Workmen’s Compensation Act for social security system of Myanmar. By Social Security Act which obeys Social Security Scheme of Social Security Board, subsidy or medical is compensated to protect labor who faced social or economic difficulties by death or injury on industrial accident, pregnancy, or disease.Social Security Act is applied for the office which has 5 or more lobar. Insurance benefit is separated to general insurance benefit and business insurance benefit. Who is not covered on Social Security Act, the labor is covered on Workmen’s Compensation Act.Social security insurance fee is 4% and it is paid 2.5% by employer and 1.5% by employee.Burden amount of social insurance fee [Kyat]RevelMonthly salary amountBurden amountEmployerEmployeeTotal10~4,000754512024,001~6,0001254512036,001~8,0001757520048,001~10,000225135360510,001~12,000275165440612,001~14,000325195520714,001~16,000375225600816,001~18,000425255680918,001~20,0002752857601020,001~22,0005253158401122,001~24,0005753459201224,001~26,0006253751,0001224,001~26,0006253751,0001326,001~28,0006754051,0801428,001~30,0007254351,1601530,001~7754651,240Burden amount of social insurance fee [US dollar]RevelMonthly salary amountBurden amountEmployerEmployeeTotal10~300.50.30.8231~501.00.61.6351~701.50.92.4471~902.01.23.2591~1102.51.54.06111~1303.01.84.87131~1503.52.15.68151~1704.02.46.49171~1904.52.77.210191~ general insurance benefit, you can receive free medical service up to 26 weeks for one disease. For injury on industrial accident, there is no limit term and rehabilitation fee is also free. There are more benefits such as for disease, pregnancy, and funeral in addition to treatment. If you will be not able to work by disease, you can receive benefit amount equivalent to 50% of salary longest 26 weeks. Pregnancy benefit period is 6 weeks before childbirth and 6 weeks after childbirth. For funeral benefit, there is no condition and restriction.Business insurance benefit are extraordinary benefit, disability benefit, and survivor pension and it’s supplied depending on the situation. Extraordinary benefit period is until it recovered or 52 weeks after the accident happen. Disability benefit period is after done supplying extraordinary benefit or 52 weeks after the accident happen.Payment amount of benefit and pension [Kyat]RevelDaily amount of BenefitMonthly amount of Injured pensionDisease benefitExtraordinary benefitPregnancy benefitDisability benefitSurvivor pensionWidowOrphan has a parentOrphan has no parents157.776.9076.902,000.00800.00400.00600296.15128.20128.203,333.351,333.30666.701,0003134.60179.50179.504,666.651,866.70933.301,4004173.10230.75230.756,000.002,400.001,200.001,8005211.5282.05282.057,333.352,933.301,466.702,2006250.00333.35333.358,666.653,466.701,733.302,6007288.50384.60384.6010,000.004,000.002,000.003,0008326.90435.90435.9011,333.354,533.302,266.703,4009365.4048702048702012,666.655,066.702,533.303,80010403.80538.45538.4514,000.005,600.002,800.004,20011442.30589.75589.7515,333.356,133.303,066.704,60012480.80641.05641.0516,666.656,666.703,333.305,00013519.20692.30692.3018,000.007,200.003,600.005,4001457.70743.60743.6019,333.357,733.303,866.705,80015596.15794.85794.8520,666.658,266.704,133.306,200Payment amount of benefit and pension [US dollar]RevelDaily amount of BenefitMonthly amount of Injured pensionDisease benefitExtraordinary benefitPregnancy benefitDisability benefitSurvivor pensionWidowOrphan has a parentOrphan has no parents10.400.500.5014.005.602.804.2020.771.031.0327.0010.805.408.0031.151.541.5440.0016.008.0012.0041.542.052.0553.2020.2010.6016.0051.922.562.5666.6023.6013.4020.0062.303.083.0880.0032.0016.0024.0072.703.603.6093.4037.4018.6028.0083.084.104.10107.0042.8020.4032.0093.464.624.62120.0048.0024.0036.00103.855.135.13133.4053.4026.7040.00The Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1957 was enacted to compensation for labor about accident happened during working. On this act followings are compensated.・In case of death・Permanently and totally disabled・Permanently and partially disabled・Temporary disabled・in case of assistance from others will be neededRequest for compensation can be by only the principle. Compensation is decided by TWCC [Township Workmen’s Compensation Committee] which established based on Workmen’s Compensation Act. Compensation will be paid by TWCC within 60 days from decision date.Amount of compensationDeathMonthly salary × 36 monthsSever disabilityMonthly salary × 36 months × 140%Mild disabilityRight handSever disability compensation amount × 70%Left handSever disability compensation amount × 60%LegSever disability compensation amount × 60%HearingSever disability compensation amount × 50%VisionSever disability compensation amount × 30%
Points to keep in mind when Japanese people are resided
According to The Myanmar Immigration Act, 1947, you need to get a visa to entry Myanmar. First you will get Entry Visa and after, you will get Multiple Journey Special Re-entry Visa. If you stay over 90 days, you need foreigner registration and get Foreigner Registration Certificate. FRC’s expiration date is one year from every November. 4 weeks stay is possible with Entry Visa and the expiration date is 3 months from issued. If you proceed to get Commercial Visa, you will get one year Long Stay Visa.The corporation which established based on foreign investment law employ foreigner, MIC permission is needed.Following documents are needed to get Stay Permit and Multiple Journey Special Re-entry Visa.・Recommendation letter form by the Japanese Embassy [only needed]・Applicant's resume・Passport・Form26 [List of directors]・Form1 [Business license]・Certification of Registration of Branch Office in Myanmar [In cases where the tribes are foreign companies]And submit request for issuance of recommendation letter with those documents to related ministries and agencies. After you get a recommendation letter, apply for Stay Permit and Multiple Journey Special Re-entry Visa to Ministry of Immigration and Population, Department of immigration and Population.