5 Chapter Tax Laws
1 Chapter Basic Knowledge
2 Chapter Incorporation
2.1 Characteristics of business base
2.3 Company liquidation and withdrawal
3 Chapter M&A
4 Chapter Accounting
4.2 Accounting standards [MAS]
5 Chapter Tax Laws
5.2 Tax related to personal income
6 Chapter Labor
In Myanmar, Income Tax Ordinance, 1974 has been applied as base of the tax law for long time. Regarding this law, both personal income tax and corporation income are defined as “income tax”.The tax type in Myanmar is below.Tax itemSubjectDirect taxIncome taxIncome taxProfit taxProperty taxTax on extraction of minerals, Royalty on extraction of mineralsOthersVarious registration tax, Fisheries tax, Stamp dutyIndirect taxDistribution taxCommercial taxExcise dutyProperty taxLand revenueWater resources tax, Forest taxTariffTariffLicense fees on imported goodsThese tax items are consisted of national tax and local tax. The national tax accounts for a substantial proportion and it divided into 4types depends on its purpose. First type is tax imposed on domestic production and consumption, are Commercial tax or Excise duty. Second one is tax imposed on income or ownership, are Corporate tax, Private income tax, and Profit tax. Next one is tax imposed on tariff. Last type of tax is imposed on using national assets, are Land revenue, Water resources tax, or Forest tax.Bureau of revenue collects income tax, profit tax, commercial tax, stamp duty and so on. Ministry of Home Affairs collects excise duty and land revenue as national tax. There are some more national taxes such as transport tax, water resources tax, and forest tax.There are fixed property taxes and water supply and sewer taxes as local tax under the jurisdiction of the YCDC [Yangon City Development Committee] or MCDC [Mandalay City Development Committee].Direct tax has same taxpayer and tax burden, and income tax applies on it. Indirect tax has different people who pay taxes and who burden, and commercial tax and tariff apply on it.
Tax related to personal income
When you calculate personal income tax, you need to decide habitability of the target. Depends on it, different income range to be taxed.Resident in Myanmar is resident citizens and foreigners residing in Myanmar. In here the foreigners residing in Myanmar means a person who stay in Myanmar more than 183days in a year. Non-resident is non-resident citizens and foreigners not residing in Myanmar. Non-resident citizens is Myanmar’s who doesn’t live in Myanmar and doesn’t get income.Range of taxation is below.ResidentsNon-residentsCitizensForeignersIncome occurred in Myanmar[Domestic source income]TaxationIncome occurred out of Myanmar[Foreign source income]TaxationTax exemptIf you are the resident in Myanmar, regardless of where you received it the income taxed in Myanmar. This is called “Worldwide Income Taxation”. The range or rate of tax is different between foreigner residents and resident citizens. If you are non-residents taxed only for domestic source income occurred in Myanmar.Income amount is calculated for each income category after disinfected deductible expenses from the amount of income.Salary income contains salary, compensation, bonus and paying outside of salary. And calculate the employment income from the total amount.Professional occupational income is calculated by subtracting expenses from service revenue. Professional is doctor/ nurse, lawyer, engineer, architect, video producer, actor/ actress, wither, painter, sculptor, accountant, auditor, teacher and so on.Business income is calculated by allowance expenses from income amount.Asset rent income is calculated by allowance expenses from income amount.Capital gain is calculated by allowance expenses from income amount. The selling price is calculated according to Income-Tax Rules.There are some examples of those that will be tax free income of the income amount.Income received from religious and charitable organizationsIncome used only for the purpose of religious and charitableLocal government incomePension/ Insurance/ DividendIncome allowanceItemallowance amount [kyat]Basic allowance20% of total income [upper limit is 10,000,000]Spouse allowance300,000Children allowance [for one]200,000 per personLife insurance premium allowanceAmount of paymentDonation allowanceLimited to 25% of total incomeIncome tax rate on salary incomeTaxable income [kyat]Tax rate1~500,0001%500,000~1,000,0002%1,000,001~1,500,0003%1,500,001~2,000,0004%2,000,001~3,000,0005%3,000,001~4,000,0006%4,000,001~6,000,0007%6,000,001~8,000,0009%8,000,001~10,000,00011%10,000,001~15,000,00013%15,000,001~20,000,00015%20,000,001~20%Income tax rate on business income and compensationTaxable income [kyat]Tax rate1~500,0002%500,000~1,000,0004%1,000,001~2,000,0006%2,000,001~3,000,0008%3,000,001~4,000,00010%4,000,001~6,000,00012%6,000,001~8,000,00014%8,000,001~10,000,00016%10,000,001~15,000,00018%15,000,001~20,000,00020%20,000,001~30,000,00025%30,000,001~30%Income tax rate on foreigner and non-residentsType of incomeTax rateIncome gained outside of Myanmar by non-resident citizen except salary income10%Non-resident foreigner who engaged in national projects with special permission20%Income on non-resident foreigner35%Tax exempt of personal incomeType of incomeTotal amount of income [kyat]Salary incomeLimited to 1,440,000Business incomeLimited to 1,200,000CooperativeLimited to 1,200,000Capital gainLimited to 5,000,000Those who have taxable income during the tax year must submit an income tax declaration within three months after the taxable year. Those who have only salary income, the employer submits an annual salary calculator within three months after taxable year.
Corporation income
When you calculate corporation income tax, you need to decide habitability of the target. The tax depends on different income range.
Resident in Myanmar is Domestic corporation and Foreigner resident corporation in Myanmar. Range of taxation is same as the case of personal income.
The income amount to be taxable for corporate income tax is calculated by deducting expense from benefits. Benefits include business income, capital gain, interest / dividend income, real estate income, royalty income, service fee income and commission income. It is not included in benefit that dividend received from the company in Myanmar. All cost which is necessary for normal business is included in expenses in principle. However, there are restrictions on reserves, fixed asset removal losses, and depreciation expenses.Corporate income tax rateCorporate formCorporate tax rateNotificationCorporation in Myanmar25%Notification No.111Corporation that have permission to invest from MICNon-resident foreign company engaged in Specified company projectBranch office of foreign corporation35%Branch office of foreign corporation with permission to invest from MIC25%Corporation2~30%Notification No.109Annual tax return form must submit within three months after the taxable year.
Commercial tax
Commercial tax in Myanmar was enacted instead of Goods and services tax. If you do business activities in Myanmar, commercial tax payment is obligatory. Commercial tax is VAT taxed on the sale of goods and provision of services, and transactions related to import and export are also taxed. Commercial tax payment is obligatory to those; importer, manufacturer, corporation, business group, merged company, and certain services providers such as trade, transport, and hotel/ restaurant.Commercial tax rateTarget items and servicesTax rateGrounds for noticeItems defined as schedule 1 [rice/wheat, vegetable, fish]Duty freeCommercial tax law, 1990Items defined as schedule 2~55%Notification 115/2012, dated 15 March 2012Items defined as schedule 6 [natural gas, luxury vehicle]8~100%Notification 116/2012, dated 15 March 2012Service defined as schedule 7 [sightseeing, interior design, legal affairs, audit, advertisement]5%Notification 117/2012, dated 15 March 2012However, commercial tax is free when you export those items to outside of Myanmar except those items; natural gas, oil, jade, rare metal, solid wood materials.All who do commercial business in Myanmar should apply for registration to the tax office one month before starting the business. And you need to notice the date of starting the business to the tax office, 10days before starting the business.
Tariff in Myanmar is collected based on Tariff Law. All imported goods are the target of taxation on tariff. Tax base value is CIF price added 0.5% to amount. There are some items out of the target of taxation.When you import raw materials recognized as consigned processed goods according to prescribed procedures of MIC or related government agencies, you can receive a tax exemption.
Other national taxes
Stamp duty is taxation to both trial stamp and non-trial stamp. Trial stamp is collected on the judicial charge fee law. The amount of stamp duty is stipulated for each target. Both of trial stamp and non-trial stamp, you need to indicate that you paid stamp duty by stamp or affix.
Withholding tax system
Part of the income tax that is taxed on the below payment must be withheld by the employer and paid to the taxing authorities.・Interest・Royalty
・Payment by an organization established in accordance with the Myanmar rule and the payment is for purchase of domestic products and using services・Payment by foreign corporation and the payment is for purchase of domestic products and using services.Withholding tax rateType of incomeTax rateResidentNon-residentInterest15.0%DividedRoyalty15.0%20.0%Payment contracted with domestic corporation2.0%3.5%Payment contracted with foreign corporation2.0%3.5%Withholding tax collected by payer should be paid to the authority within 7days from collected.